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119 Willoughby Road,
Crows Nest NSW 2065

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About Us

The founders of the company that developed Infomaxim have a passion for web applications that goes back to 1996, when the Internet was just getting started.

Since 2001 Infomaxim has been evolving through the acid test of hundreds of deployments across a broad range of clients.

Many of the early development strategies adopted were risky. Only through constant evolution were some of the obstacles to creating a broad application with so many capabilities possible.

Now 100% privately owned, Infomaxim continues to grow and with the release of version 4.0, has a solid future as many long term users have upgraded to the new system and found it to be a very worth while improvement. However, the Internet is not standing still, so the road-map for Infomaxim continues to fill with features to support tighter integration of social media whilst continuing to provide more powerful tools to web business managers.

The Sydney based development team is always on the look out for people passionate about building Internet solution platforms.

We hope you enjoy using Infomaxim as much as we do!

Andy Farrell
Managing Director / Founder

119 Willougby Road
Crows Nest NSW 2065